NOTE: These lesson plans are in generic format. Teachers are requested to modify them according to their requirement. CLASS - 1CLASS - 2CLASS - 3CLASS - 4CLASS - 5CLASS - 6CLASS - 7CLASS - 8CLASS - 1Machines and ComputersParts of a ComputerCLASS - 2Computer DevicesUses of ComputerCLASS - 3Introduction to Windows 10More Fun with Tux PaintCLASS - 4Windows 10 Working with File and FoldersBasic Windows SettingsCLASS - 5Brief History of ComputersCLASS - 6Algorithms and FlowchartsComputer Languages and Programming TechniquesCLASS - 7Intoduction To Photoshop 2021CLASS - 8Database Management SystemWorking with MS AccessTables, Hyperlinks, and Forms in HTML